Article 4779 Video - Our Peacekeepers - Monday, April 29, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4779 Video - Our Peacekeepers - Monday, April 29, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

There are numerous layers of Peacekeepers at work in America; these men and women differ from Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) and occupy both concurrent and, in some cases, separate jurisdictions from LEOs.

Peacekeepers enforce the Law of the Land in international jurisdictions, and the Law of the Soil in national jurisdiction. They also interface with their counterparts operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea (Maritime Commerce) and the global jurisdiction of Admiralty.

Our American Government has superior concurrent general jurisdiction on air, land and sea. This means that our courts are enabled to judge both the Law itself, and the facts of any case brought before it.

American Admiralty does exist and we do have the ability to consider maritime and Admiralty issues with a few strictly limited exceptions delegated to our British Territorial Federal Subcontractors.

Our Peacekeepers uphold the international Law of the Land (Constitutions included), County Law (Law of the Nation) and State Law; they interface with Law Enforcement Officers in the international jurisdictions of the Sea (Maritime and Admiralty) and global jurisdiction of the Air (Roman Civil Law, Law Merchant) who enforce State-of-State Statutes, Administrative Codes, Regulatory Codes, Municipal Codes, Military Codes, and so on.

The important distinction to be made is that our Peacekeepers and courts enforce the actual Law, while Law Enforcement Personnel deal in Code Enforcement.

Our Continental Marshals are filling the spot vacated by the Federal Marshals Service: International Land Jurisdiction. Their expertise is international crimes committed on the land and soil, including human trafficking, interstate bank fraud, counterfeiting, contraband smuggling, interstate identity theft, credit fraud, embezzlement between two or more States, inland piracy, and similar crimes.

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