Advanced Civilizations

10 months ago

“Advanced civilization architecture hiding in plain sight”?
The depth of lies we live in is staggering; especially when disciplines like “science” and “medicine” are actually nothing of the sort.
The Harbaugh NFL dynasty further proves what I’ve been saying about “sports”.
Russell Brand gets baptized and prays the rosary.
What do Lee Harvey Oswald and this very infamous Jesuit Superior General share in common?
What does the man behind Benito Mussolini have in common with the man behind Adolf Hitler?
Every Chicago resident has a $42,000 tax burden but here’s what the far-Left black Mayor just added.
In New Zealand, wood stoves and gas cars are banned or will be soon.
Is Eric Jon Phelps a Jesuit? No.
Why does the Chinese Communist Party give this Jesuit special honors?
This Johnny copycat is stealing his donations (Odysee will get right back to me).
Johnny retells his Jesuit Red Pill story.
Is this heresy why the En Goodian stays away from his old boss?
Is Tulsi Gabbard this Mortal Kombat character?
What really happened at Abu Ghraib?
La Quinta Columna.
New Zealand is also about to charge ANY driver for operating their vehicle: here is Johnny’s solution.
These FIVE Popes made the scamdemic happen but none of Johnny’s “friends” are interested.
Did “O.J.” Simpson join his son in slaughtering Nicole Brown?
Cops and “journalists” are all over this nearly 60-year-old crime: here’s why it’s still a PsyOp.
Tennessee has outlawed “geo-engineering”: here’s why it doesn’t matter.

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