That'll Show 'Em! Columbia Says Students Won't Face Evictions, Lockdowns Over Protests

8 months ago

'No one is above the law.' Remember that? Remember how the Left screamed that each time Trump was indicted on some new charge? Or how they applaud at the centuries of collective jail time the January 6 protesters have gotten? And the pro-life protesters who face decades behind bars. The college students who have disrupted campus life, defaced buildings, and called for the murder of Jews and Israel supporters are begging for amnesty. They know they did wrong, but it seems they'll get away with it. Which is why this stuff doesn't stop. And will only get worse. Columbia has said students will not face evictions or lockdowns despite weeks of unrest on campus.

• More at: Twitchy - THAT'LL Show 'Em! Columbia Says Students Won't Face Evictions, Lockdowns Over Protests
Twitchy: 'COLUMBIA WILL BURN': Suspended Student Makes Dire Threat Under Deadline to Vacate the Premises
New York Post: Columbia students celebrate as school officials promise no lockdown or evictions over anti-Israeli protests

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