NYC Firefighter Dies After Being Let Go To Fund Illegal Immigrants, Leaves Family With Massive Debt

10 months ago

Derek Floyd suffered a heart attack in 2019, while at the Fire Academy. Afterwards, he was serving his city and his fellow first responders in the fire department's chaplain office as one of their ten employees on 'long term duty' -- jobs for those who were injured on the job or sick for extended periods of time. Floyd was also a Marine who served three tours in Iraq. Just before Christmas, he was laid off as the city sought to free up money to pay for illegal immigrants. Floyd later died of a heart attack. He was 36 years old. Without the FYND life insurance and salary, his family has been left 'swimming in debt', according to his widow, Christine. The couple have two children, ages 6 and 2.

• More at: Twitchy - NYC Firefighter Dies After Being Let Go to Fund Illegal Immigrants, Leaves Family With Massive Debt
New York Post: NYC firefighter, 36, dies of heart attack after being fired to pay for migrants — leaving his family with nothing

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