Raphael Mutagen Oooze - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Unboxing & Review

10 months ago

I've been sitting on these for a while now, but I do have the full set of the Glow in the Dark Mutagen Ooze Turtles to look at. I really like Glow in the Dark Toys, so I couldn't pass this up.

Also don't forget there is a Petition to get Sony to remove the censorship from the "M" rated game Stellar Blade, which has been a fun game to play BTW. https://www.change.org/p/free-stellar-blade

Used the ending them from the Original TMNT animated series

#raphael #TMNT #teenagemutantninjaturtles #mutagen #mutagenooze #ninjaturtles #Mutantturtles #glowinthedark #super7

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