The Hierophant's Message Energy Vlog

9 months ago

The Hierophant's Message Energy Vlog title is from the date April 29, 2024 thus we have 41 which adds to #5 the hierophant card a Spiritual messenger We look into three cards from the archangel Metatron self mastery deck thus a spiritual message.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site showed us five amplitudes. the first is a power of 32 AT 11:20 PM on the 28th fo the month thus we have Death bringing death to the Pope. the first for today had a amplitude power of 75 at 12:45 Am UTC thus #21 the World being the Hanged man is changing his perspective through sacrifice. The next amplitude power of 46 at 4:20 AM UTC thus we have the Lovers looking at the wheel of fortune's Kamic change. the third amplitude power of 35 at 5:15 AM UTC thus we have Justice coming on strong and brave today. The last amplitude power i of 31 at 6:47 AM UTC thus we have the Star guiding the he ierophant with hope and clarity for his spiritual message today. The Qual;tiy is a power of 7 the Chariot card moving swirly as we take charge and direct it where we want to go. The frequency Average is 7.50 hertz thus we have the Hanged man card halting action to change perspective regarding self sacrifice.

Therefore, we can say: The Hierophant looks upon the wheel of fortune with se te strength and bravery to deliver a message he gleanded form the Hanged man 's change of perspective and Moves swiftly to the emperors chariot to deliver the hanged man's spiritual message.

We shared a bit of the Beyond Mystic Crypto Woo pay per view. I also c shared a bit of sky news video regarding JK Rowling's fight with political incorrect bullshit coming from the press.

I had three card from Archangel Metatron's Self mastery deck. they are the Signs card from Spirit with love. Dimensional Gateway an invitation within. The last is the Mother Earth card Grounding and support she gives.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather news Site:
Sky News on JK Rowling video: Crypto Woo:

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