Overrun Police Barricades Shock College Campus

1 month ago

The pro-Palestinian protests on American college campuses are still raging, as hundreds of protestors just overpowered police barricades on George Washington University’s campus. When will the universities get this insanity under control?
The GW Hatchet, George Washington University’s student newspaper, reports:
‘Hundreds of protesters broke through barricades blocking access to the pro-Palestinian encampment in University Yard on Sunday night.
At 11:28 p.m. students toppled the barricade between U-Yard and H Street after one GW Police Department officer, supported by three others, held the arms of a protester inside the encampment behind his back and moved him toward the encampment’s northwest barricade. Immediately after, one of the three officers removed his baton from its holster.
Protesters on H Street — where a second encampment has formed following officials’ construction of a fence around U-Yard Friday morning — surged to the barricade, forcing an impasse, chanting “Let him go” and “Shame on you.”’
Encampment appears to be the mainstream media’s favorite word right now to describe the pro-Hamas takeovers on college campuses. However, the antisemitic protests are not just college kids camping out. Jewish students and faculty and those who support Israel are unsafe amid violent destruction and attacks.
Similar to actions taken by Harvard to limit the protests to involving only college students, GWU set up barricades to keep outside agitators, i.e., professional protestors/organizers, from joining the fray.
However, outsiders toppled the barricades, leading to what appears to be a scene from a bizarro version of Les Misérables: protestors standing on top of the barricades waving a Palestinian flag and spewing hateful rhetoric from a bullhorn. Police then intervened, but the rioting was so fierce that many of the police appeared to fear for their safety.
I’m just as tired of these pro-Hamas riots on college campuses as you are – enough is enough. The ACLJ’s legal team is sending a demand letter to the Department of Education and the overrun colleges, reminding them of their legal obligation to protect Jewish and Zionist students (including Christian students) and stop violent protests.
The school administrators are apparently afraid of their students. The administrators’ feckless response shows they also fear that shutting down these protests will be seen as a right-wing move. They are unwilling to make the hard choices necessary to regain control of their campuses.
It’s time to end these protests that are endangering the safety of the students and faculty – the ACLJ is doing its part by putting pressure on the school administrations. I hope the school leaders act soon and prioritize the students’ safety rather than capitulate to the protestors’ radical demands.
Anti-Israel attacks also are occurring at international tribunals. We have the shocking news that the International Criminal Court (ICC) could issue an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The ICC – made up of 124 countries and located in The Hague – doesn’t like how Israel is defending itself after the despicable atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7. If a warrant is issued on Netanyahu, his ability to go to certain places, such as Europe, to garner support for Israel would be severely limited.
Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. and the U.N. Danny Danon joined Sekulow to discuss Israel’s determination to defend herself regardless of the international community’s condemnation:
“We are still dealing with bringing back the hostages. We have war with Hezbollah in the north. So that’s another front. . . . We are determined to finish the job; we are determined to win this war against evil, against Hamas. So no one will stop us. Not the ICC, not the ICJ. We will do whatever it takes to win. We haven’t forgotten what [Hamas] did to us and what they are planning to do to us in the future. . . . We have seen what they are capable of doing, so we are determined to stand strong and proud.”
The ACLJ was built for this moment. We will defend Israel when no one else will. We’ve argued directly before the ICC to defend Israel’s interests before – and won. We are mobilizing our legal team to prepare arguments to defend Israel yet again before the International Criminal Court. We will never stop defending our ally.
Today’s Sekulow broadcast included a full analysis of the protest chaos at GWU and how the ACLJ is taking action. Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell reacted to the outrageous news of the ICC issuing a warrant for Netanyahu.


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