Setting up for a live Cook-Along! 😄

10 months ago

Setting up for a live Cook-Along! 😄

This time, I was getting ready to show our students how to make soaked quinoa. (We soak our grains prior to cooking, which not only saves on cooking time, but makes the grains more tasty, nutritious, and digestible.)

I host Cook-Alongs demonstrating Eat God's Way recipes and techniques every Monday and Wednesday for our students, and they're a ton of fun!

🎥 In fact, many of the short videos that I post here come from our live Cook-Alongs. Even the bloopers! 😉

The Cook-Alongs are truly the highlight of my week! We start out the day right.. with folks who share our love for the Lord, even down to how we eat... which we call Eat God's Way.

What is Eat God's Way? It's our simple and methodical process to help you and your family get healthier and happier... save money and time... without giving up your favorite foods... using techniques and methods from Bible Times (like soaking) that are not only easy and delicious, they make whatever you're eating more nutritious and digestible. 🙌🏻

If you'd like to learn more about cooking this way, it's in my free Eat God's Way book. Plus I give you simple and easy sample recipes in the companion cookbook. Both books are FREE.

To get the FREE Eat God's Way books, go here:

If you'd like more info about our student Cook-Alongs, just mention that in a message after I send you the Eat God's Way books download link.

BTW Eat God's Way isn't a fad diet or a set of rules. We eat this way to say "Thank you, Lord." To give Him glory and honor His creation by embracing the foods He designed for our nourishment. 🙏🏻

God bless you today! 🥰

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