Light in the darkness

8 months ago

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Light in the darkness

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
28th of April 2024 19.35

The Light in the darkness and the darkness could not comprehend the light.

My Son Yeshua Hamasiach is the true light and Satan could not destroy or defeat Him.

He thought that he had planned everything out when My Son hung on that cross.
Satan fell into his own trap and he is doing it again and he is no match for My Son in him I Am well pleased.

My children don't be afraid, fear not. You have nothing to fear for Satan is trying to deceive you and attack you in every possible way to destroy your faith in Me. Satan is the great deceiver because his only agenda is to steal, kill and destroy.

My children I have given you the only hope and a way out of the oppression that many of you are experiencing right now.

I Am the starter and the finisher of your faith, because I have selected a Remnant for Myself.

Speak to the truth and to the light: Let there be light! I Am the Truth and the truth will set you free.

Where hope is lost then I Am able to restore everything in your life even though it doesn't look like it.

I will never let anyone down who puts their hope and trust in Me.

I will never despise a broken and contradictory heart. Listen to Me I know what you have been through and I Am with you. Give Me your deepest pain, your traumas, your burdens, your brokenness, your failures. Allow Me to take care of you, allow Me and open your heart towards Me, because I will restore everything in your lives.

Like the Potter and the clay. I can restore all the broken pieces and heal your heart.

Seek Me, My Kingdom and My righteousness with all your heart and all your strength.

I bore everything on the cross for you so You will be able to receive healing and full restoration. I am here to comfort you.

If you are going through the stormy waters and if you are going through the fire I Am with you. I love you with an eternal love that no one can take away from you.

I have collected all your pain and tears as the prayers that you were not able to put into words.

There is always a way out of impossible situations.

There is a way out of darkness, there is a way out of sin, hopelessness and despair.

Look at Daniel and his friends and I was there.

I Am the fourth man in fire when Daniel, Sjadrak, Mesjak and Abendego were in the fire.

I Am the one who shut the mouth of the lions when Daniel was in the den.

I opened the sea so My whole nation Israel could go right through it on the dry land.

I closed the sea on the pharaoh and his whole army so they drowned.

My children, I Am your light. My word is the lamp to your feet so you know where to walk.

Let Me enlighten you with My word. I Am the light of the world. You are My children and let My light shine in You.

John 1:9 The light
Matthew 28:6
Genesis 3:45 Satan deceiver
John 8:44 Satan murderer
2 Corinthians 11:14
Ephesians 6:11 full armor
Revelation 12:9
Hebrew 12:2
Hebrew 11:1
Psalm 91:14
Psalm 51:17
Psalm 34:18
Jeremiah 18
Matthew 6:33
Daniel 3:24-26
Prophetic word, Light, darkness, Jesus, Hope, God, almighty, freedom, joy,

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