Tucker Carlson Reveals Supernatural Beings Guiding Government On Joe Rogan | Shawn Bolz Show

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Today on the Shawn Bolz Show we are talking about how the CIA tried to hush Tucker Carlson on what he knows about Aliens, Tucker shared the whole thing on a recent Joe Rogan interview! Do you believe in Aliens or supernatural even spiritual beings that might be trying to shape humanity right now? Then we are going to be looking at the Christian films coming out in 2024 and highlighting them even when horror movies and some really woke movies are dominating in the box offices, Christians are also front and center there and you have options! Then my Prophetic perspective is all about how God is releasing health strategies and is about to make Christians the healthiest people group in the world!
#TheShawnBolzShow #TuckerCarlson #PropheticWord #JoeRogan
Shawn Bolz
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