Top 5 Satanic 'Hand Signs'! President Trump Is Also Member of the Illuminati! [5 years ago]

9 months ago

Donald Trump’s hand signals prove he’s in the Illuminati according to 'conspiracy theorists'.

Note: So What is a Fucking 'Conspiracy Theorist'?

Answer: A person that research a subject and then uses Logic and Critical Thinking skills to form an Educated opinion instead of just blindly believing whatever they been told on the MSM Radio, TV (Tell a Vision) or their 'Smart' Phone.

If you're not even willing to entertain the possibility that you have been fooled, then you are the easiest kind of person to Fool.

You Don't Need To Be A Fucking 'Conspiracy Theorist' To Know That Something Ain't Fucking Right!
President Donald Trump is a man who speaks a lot with hand gestures and strong facial expressions.

This is the reason according to Illuminati believers that he is a member of the Illuminati.

In this video we go through the hand signals of the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump.

5 years ago

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