#疫苗灾难:20240415 医疗编码员Zoe:患者医疗记录进入保险数据库;医生报酬、PCR检测和药物背后的激励关系;医院可在阳性之前就开始治疗;呼吸机设置存致命缺陷!(中英双语机器字幕)

10 months ago

#疫苗灾难:20240415 医疗编码员Zoe:患者医疗记录进入保险数据库;医生报酬、PCR检测和药物背后的激励关系;医院可在阳性之前就开始治疗;呼吸机设置存致命缺陷!(中英双语机器字幕)

Medical Coder During COVID. As a medical coder, this woman transfers the information included in patient medical records into a database for insurance. Her job is critical in order for physicians to get paid. In this shocking interview, she unmasks the truth behind COVID protocols and their relationship to the incentives behind PCR testing and medicines. She explains why hospitals might treat for a virus before doing any testing to find out whether the patient is actually positive and discusses the time when healthcare staff were warned of a fatal flaw in their ventilator settings.

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