Angels are now dispatched

5 months ago

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Angels are now dispatched

Prophetic Word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
25th of April 2024 20.59

Angeles is now being dispatched from the throne room.
Revelation 7:11

The angels are shouting Holy, holy, holy! He who was , He who is and He is to come!
Isaiah 6:3

I have called you to be pure and have a clean heart as I Am.

You have entered a time of great manifestation of My Kingdom.
Luke 11:2
Matthew 6:9

I Am passing over My children who are covered by the blood of the Lamb.
Revelation 7:14

Like in the days of Moses in Egypt. You are precious and I have called you to be priest and kings in My Kingdom.
Revelation 5:10

The priestly and kingly anointing that I have given you through your faith in My Yeshua Hamasiach and by the filling of the Holy Spirit.

The infilling of the Holy Spirit is sacred and you will experience My fire, because I Am the consuming fire.
Hebrew 12:29

My servant Elijah was calling down the Holy Fire on Mount Carmel.
1 King 18:20

I Am dealing now with the spirit of Jezebel in the churches and in the society that has crept in by keeping Me out of the churches.
Revelation 2:20

I am dealing with the spirit of divination in the nations on the Earth.
Acts 16:16 = spirit of python. Demonic power.

Soon you will see the strangulation of the spirit of Pythos and it will lose its grip on you.

Shouts of freedom and great victory will be sounded around the world.

Freedom from all bondage that Satan and his minions have been keeping My people in captivity.
Isaiah 61

Many of you will have the visitation from Me.

Know your time of visitation by knowing My timing.
That is why I said to you that you shall keep your eyes on My servants the prophets.
Amos 3:7

Listening to the Holy Spirit that I have given you. Lend me your eyes and ears so you will know My Kairos time.
1 Corinthians 2:9

In this hour and day you will see great things and suddenlies will appear in a way that you haven't thought of.

I Am about to surprise you in everything you thought was impossible.

Because I Am the God Almighty. I AM your beginning and finisher of your faith.

I will shake everything that can be shaken.
Hebrew 12:27

Build your faith in My word and in Me.

Be a Kingdom builder for behold I Am the Rock of Ages.

Ask for discernment especially in these days and I will give you the discernment. Hebrew 5:14
My word is sharper than a two-edged sword; it separates from the flesh and bone. Between the spirit and the soul. My words expose the intention of the heart.
Hebrew 4:12

I Am coming but not at the time you are thinking. It is not up to you but I know the timing. That is why you have to stay awake and alert.
Matthew 25:25

Revelation 7:11
Isaiah 6:3
Luke 11:2
Matthew 6:9
Revelation 7:14
Revelation 5:10
Hebrew 12:29
1 King 18:20
Revelation 2:20
Acts 16:16 = spirit of python.
Isaiah 61
Amos 3:7
1 Corinthians 2:9
Hebrew 12:27
Hebrew 5:14
Hebrew 4:12
Matthew 25:25
Prophetic word, Angels, Jesus, God, Holy, Kingdom, Faith,

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