Cloudy Moody Monday

11 months ago

Why is it that on some Monday’s we get so moody, we allow the clouds to just drift in and settle in our soul and we get really moody on Monday. I call it Moody Monday. It is kind of silly to sit in the clouds and bemoan our feelings of moodiness and chalk it up to Monday. So, we have clouds in our soul, we can still have a Miraculous Monday, because God is in the clouds, He is in the feelings. God has feelings too. Jesus had feelings, just read about Him in the Bible and you will see and experience that He pushed through His feelings to the Light of His Father God. Jesus understands our feelings and the cloudy Moody Monday, He has known them. Darkness will never completely cloud us out from the Light of God. It is just not going to happen. Darkness can’t put out light.

So… when we feel clouded in by emotions that weigh us down, look for the glimmer of God’s Light, it is there, focus on God’s way, truth and light and the cloudy soul of emotions will clear up and the SON will Shine brightly turning our Moody Monday into a Miraculous Monday where our lives are positioned underneath the Rulership of God’s Love and His peace rules our soul and heart. We should not stay moody on this Monday, or on any day that the clouds take over our soul emotions, we should look for that glimmer of God’s Light, He is right there with us in the clouds and His light is never put out by our Moody Monday. Having A Moody Monday? Find the glimmer of hope, shining through the gloom. The best thing to do with a moody cloudy soul is to cling to God, dig our life roots deeply in God and clouds that stir up negative moods will disperse as the light of God shatters the darkness of our overwhelmed soul in the peace and joy of our God. Awe-GOD! Moody To Miraculous… You game for it… You up for it… I am… seek and find the light of God in the darkness of the clouds it will break through, one glimmer of light, find it, it is never not there, even the moody clouds can’t put it out. God bless your day.

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