15 Other challenges

5 months ago

Living Off the Grid in the City Radio Show. Other challenges. There are social, and psychological challenges to getting off the grid. It is not easy, it is expensive, and requires lots of dedication, work, knowledge, and appreciation for larger things like the environment, animal and plant life, and the future of the planet. These reasons will provide you with the extraordinary will power required to tackle the social and psychological challenges. These challenges come from your household, family, friends, neighborhood, employers, and the government. The city and state where you live don’t want to to live off grid, and they will do everything possible to prevent you from achieving this. Here, I explain a few solutions for these. Among them are smart decision making, ease into off grid, be patient and gradual, start simple and small, and be conspicuous. Don’t broadcast all of your goals and aims unless you’re sure you’ll be welcomed with those.
Hector Vladimir 2015-2024©
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