In America it is now either Fight or Flight

10 months ago

This is Charles Martel coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press, because without America there is no freedom.

Our willfully blind, headlong charge into an abyss of nihilism continues unabated. I voted twice for Donald Trump, and I certainly will vote for him a third time, but any notion that one man and control of both houses of Congress for 4 years will be able to heal our gangrenous and maggot-riddled body politic and rid us or neutralize the Deep State witch doctors that have led us to sorry position, is a view through rose-colored glasses equal to thinking Joe Biden could master fifth year college Latin in the space of a weekend. We are in for a prolonged battle. Arm yourselves and dig in.

But given the depth of the Deep State, the ignorance with which the left is saturated, and the prevailing and swelling rage each side has for the other, how can this be solved in 4 years? Can it be solved at all? And how long will a majority of us want this marriage to continue?

I believe we’ve reached the moment where we can fight or we can split, but those of us on my side of the political divide will no longer brook the oppression of an administrative state; and if that state is determined to keep us yoked, then neither its chief adherents nor their families will know a secure day or a peaceful night.

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