Restaurant-style delicious and easy! I can't stop making these pork steaks

9 months ago

A pork steak recipe that is so easy to make and tastes just as good as the ones in the restaurant. In this recipe, I will show you how to properly cook juicy pork steaks in the pan. This recipe will appeal to anyone who loves pork steaks with different sauces. I use very simple ingredients for this pan-fried pork steak recipe, but it will be one of the best pork dishes ever made.

Ingredients and preparation:
4 pork chops
Black pepper
Garlic powder
The internal temperature of the pork chops should be 57-60°C
8 garlic cloves
30 g (2 tbsp) butter
4 tbsp honey
80 ml broth or water
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Season with salt

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