Who Threatens Murder at a Bakersfield City Council Meeting? Seriously, have you BEEN to Bakersfield?

10 months ago

4/29/24 "The Art and Folly of Protest" part 1 S4E13p1
Today on Something’s Happening Here, we look at the tale of a protester who went too far at a Bakersfield City Council meeting; and having lived in Bakersfield myself for a little while, I have some opinions about that, for sure. But we tell the story not just as a cautionary tale about the importance of knowing your audience, but also in service of the big point for this week: human judgment versus divine judgment; human response to protest versus divine response to protest. We’ll look at an example on the opposite end of the spectrum on Wednesday, and bring the discussion straight up to Heaven on Friday, but for today we start by asking: “Who Threatens Murder at a Bakersfield City Council Meeting? Seriously, have you BEEN to Bakersfield?”

We’re living in a moment of worldwide protest. As we wind down Season Four, this week we look at different protests and their aftermaths, and look to the Bible to see how God handles protestors prophetically.

Season 4 Episode 13
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