Draymond Green being in the League is MORE IMPRESSIVE than Lakers Dynasty- Weird AI Prompt 54

10 months ago

The link for me with this one is literally just that the lakers are in the playoffs right now. Lakers and Celtics are the two most historic franchises but I just thought it'd be funny to minimise this with a Draymond Green comparison.

Draymond... what a guy. Legitimately, he's an important player for any team to have. His antics DO MY HEAD IN though. It'd be tough to coach or be his teammate. And thus...this video was born.
It was minimally edited too. Not super funny, but solidly written and explained. Hope you dig it.

My prompt was, "Make a funny video about how the lakers dynasty is not as impressive as Draymond Green still being in the league. Speak about how it's a miracle that Draymond is allowed to still compete despite all his nut shots to other players and getting ejected so frequently. Be subtle in your humour."

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As with every video, the footage and everything written below was AI generated:

In this entertaining video, we delve into the contrasting legacies of the Lakers dynasty and Draymond Green's career, showcasing his resilience through numerous ejections and controversial plays. Join us as we explore the humor and insight behind these two vastly different narratives in the NBA. Don't forget to like and share this video with your fellow basketball fans!


00:00:00 Draymond Green: The Unstoppable Force

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