How To Get The Rocket Hog Up To Escharum - Halo Infinite [XsX]

9 months ago

You get get both the standard Warthog as well as the Rocket Hog up to Escharum. the same method can be used at each blocked door.
This can be done on Solo, but is more difficult at the last door. This is due to the lack of space in front of the door, in comparison to what you see here. It is easier if you drive the warthogs from inside the structure and bean-line it straight to the left side of the door. Unlike the other door, the last door's hatch seems to block the vehicles' turrets.

If the vehicle gets stuck between the barricades and onto it's side, then do not worry. With enough pushing, you should be able to align it enough to flip the vehicle over the barricade. Or at least enough to get in and drive it out. You may need to remove a tire or two to squeeze it through.

It is best to not attempt this on LASO as you see me do here. Otherwise the vehicle will be too fragile to hit into place. The last door is MUCH easier with two or more active players. One player in the driver seat and the others carefully shoving the vehicle through. DO NOT USE THE SWORD OR HAMMER! Just be sure at least one player is driving as the elevators are moving. otherwise the vehicle may fall through the floor.

I currently do not have a saved clip of a warthog in the room with Escharum. But I can get one made. I figured it was best to show how to get over the barricades first. Just know that Escharum will destroy the warthog easily. There is not enough room for it to be effective against him. I'm currently playing on LASO in hopes of fixing the completion glitch. My game has been stuck at 23% for 2 years now! Once I have the time, I'll revert to Easy and get the clip for you. But only for Rumble viewers.

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