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5 months ago

Murdering Satanic Psychopaths. If You Have Sons & Daughters. Keep Them Away From These People & The Culture. All This "Gansta" Bullshit Should Have Died In The 1990's. Dumb Fucking Foreigners Always 30 Years Behind The Trends. Seriously Though, These Dumb Little Wastes Of Air Don't Give A Shit About Your Life. They Will Kill You For A Pair of Sunglasses or Your Shoes. They Are The Dumbest Of Dumb. I Know First Hand. They Are The Reason We Actually Need Prisons... And Death Penalties. Crimes Like This With No Doubt Of The guilty Party. Straight To The Grave, No Appeal, No Waiting On The Taxpayer Dime For 10 Years. From The Courtroom to The Gallows, Like It Used To Be.

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