Expert Introduction - Nebraska Primary Debate 2024

10 months ago

Scott: Welcome to Nebraska's 2024 Primary Debates only on Good Morning Nebraska. This year we have all five congressional seats on the ballot and we have all five incumbent imbeciles debating their top Republican challengers. But first lets let our self-described, “experts”, comment on their top issues for 2024.
Chris: This election will decide between tyranny and liberty.
Gary: I’d like some one to help me find my dentures.
Rosie: We need more equality so grown men can participate in women’s sports!
Emory: We need more flip-flopping on issues that really don’t matter.
Lucy: The secretive power elite with a globalist agenda who are conspiring to achieve world domination and rule the world through an authoritarian one-world government.
Scott: We also brought back Pian for his unintentional comedic input.
Ian: I‘m just glad know one knows I peed my pants last time.
Scott: Well now everybody knows. Up next are the candidates opening statements.

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