Phil Schneider's Ex-Wife Cynthia Drayer Speaks Out (2009-2012?)

9 months ago

Cynthia talks about Phil in Colorado and found a cavern with an alien ship covered in quartz. She says the aliens have been here for millions of years and living here the whole time. Our fear gets the ADRENOLINE going and they like it from our blood. A million children disappear every year. A Deal for exchange for their technology. Philip's father worked on the "Philadelphia experiment". Philip read his deceased fathers Oskar Schneider (Nazi from Operation PAPERCLIP) letters about his discovery of the autopsies from the Philadelphia experiment (Bodies embedded in Navy ships) and found an alien implant.

OPERATION "CROSS ROADS". Cynthia has PHOTOS from Philip about OPERATION CROSS ROAD (Pictures of UFO's coming out of Clouds). All of Phil's material and photos were taken by someone after his death. In 1987 Phil moved in with Cynthia and immediately a WATCHER moved in as a neighbor by Cynthia and left right after Phil's death. Believed that the Challenger was shot down and not an "O" ring. Philip said a military bomb had gone off in the Oklahoma bombing in April 1995 (Philip died within 9 months of OKC Bombing). Phil believe that the OKC bombing was to COVER UP what happened at WACO in 1993 as he said they were about to release all the papers related to that event from the Murrah Federal building in OKC. Ron Rummel & Phil Schneider were writing a little digest called "The Alien Digest". Phil got Ron Rummels death report from the police and it showed BLOOD on the gun but NOT on Rons hand. Cynthia asked about what article in the Alien Digest would be enough for them to kill Ron and she speculated it could be the FAKE ALIEN INVASION & FIGHT THE ALIENS to bring about their ONE WORLD ORDER that the digest warned about. Phil told Cynthia there were 7 types of Aliens and only 2 of those were friendly towards humans as one looked like humans and were from the Pleiades. The Gray aliens are slaves for the Reptilian aliens. They would set up a FAKE ALIEN INVASION from OUTSIDE because the real aliens are already here on the planet running things (EXOPOLITICS). PIED PIPER story that leads the CHILDREN into the MOUNTAIN (Where the Reptile Aliens are). Roswell atomic bomb and Roswell crash. Cynthia says that Philip analyzed the creepy murals at the Denver International Airport as they are masonic symbolism and his father was a 32nd degree freemason. Philip was an expert in explosives.

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