The Globalist WAR on the Elements of Life is a war on all life

9 months ago

"Carbon dioxide is the currency of life, and the most important building block for all life on earth... The optimum level of CO2 for plant growth is about five times higher [than the concentration of CO2 present in the atmosphere today], yet the alarmists warn it is already too high. They must be challenged every day by every person who knows the truth in this matter. CO2 is the giver of life, and we should celebrate CO2 rather than denigrate it, as is the fashion today."

New mini-documentary from Mike Adams, founder of and, reveals how globalists are trying to ban the key elements of life, including CARBON, OXYGEN and NITROGEN, and how they are using this war on the elements to starve humanity to death while reducing the global population.
This 17-minute mini-documentary is a powerful deep dive into the anti-human agenda of modern “science” which has declared war on three elements from the Table of Elements:
Carbon – the basis of all life structures in the known universe, and crucial for plants, insects, pollinators, mammals and ocean life.
Oxygen – the primary driver of respiration for nearly all living things on planet Earth, including humans, animals and insects. A key component of CO2, which world governments falsely claim is a “pollutant.”
Nitrogen – a key food source for plants, without which nearly 4 billion people would starve due to crop failures and lack of fertilizer.
Without these three key elements of life, life as we know it is not possible on planet Earth.
Without CO2, all plants would die and food crops would be decimated. Without carbon, no living creatures could exist at all. Without nitrogen, no plants could survive, including rain forests, grasses, sea vegetables and food crops. The attack on these three elements is also a war on marine life and aquatic ecosystems, as water-based plants also need CO2 and sunlight to survive.
Health Ranger Report:

CO2 is to plants as Oxygen is to Mammals..pdf

The End Game. The Merging of Humanity and Machines.pdf

When a government makes it legal to murder it's citizens

If You're Not Ready To Question EVERYTHING, You're Not "Awake." Period.
We live and die in a world of lies.
We have all been lied to from cradle to grave.
What if you woke up one morning, say this morning, with the crazy
notion that everything you had ever been told was a lie? Everything you
were taught in school, from your parents, from religion, and from TV was a
form of deception? That all the systems you trusted, that you believed were
created for your best interest, were false? A calculated series of lies
designed as a type of control mechanism, to keep you and everyone, under
the spell of the wizards who control this realm. What if you found that
even all the areas that seem designed to assist you, such as religion,
spirituality, or self-help, were all part of the deception as well?

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