10 months ago

Isolation, purification, still required of virus and mutation
There has been no sample, to prove existence, and our immune systems are proving resistant
The rules they make up for our safety they say, but the rules keep on changing day to day
It's for our health, well that’s a laugh, bacterial pneumonia, can be caused by the masks
My mind is free, indoctrination has failed, my body my choice I will not be impaled
Will not be masked up, locked down or restricted, for my rights I will fight, against the sadistic
I'll stand strong and be brave, when faced with conflict, but honest and true, the facts I won't constrict
And if I'm imprisoned, for non compliance then so be, I'll say as it is, and keep my own sovereignty
Descenting protesters the new obscene, on the NEWS you’d never know anyone had been
Reminders are everywhere, at work, home, and school, pushing media narratives, onto innocent fools
Some call this an IQ test, some the devils work they see, it will get worse, the fascism, and Antifa will agree
When obesity is punished, Nick Ferrari will be crying, he’ll call himself to whinge and moan and be cut off for lying

First published to social media December 2021

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