Three Questions To Get You Thriving

10 months ago

Tap into your resources to meet your needs and… create some art!
Pretty much all of us live on an active spectrum between survival and thrival.

Some days you’re struggling to get out of bed and get to work and other days you’re humming in the creative zone.

Recently moved by a show called “Alone,” where 10 people are selected to survive in the rugged wilderness alone as long as they can with only 10 resources, we were inspired by the different ways each person took on that challenge.

In a nutshell, contestants have to build a shelter, procure their own food and water while surviving in harsh conditions which include weather,dangerous predators and their own mental chatter. The last one standing wins the prize.

We were specifically moved by a woman in her 50’s, Gina, who was able to not only survive for 67 days alone, but to thrive. What was her secret?

She lived by 3 questions during her stay in the Australian outback. She asked:

Inspired by the ancient Chinese I-Ching, Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys, we synthesize this weekly contemplation to help prepare you for the energetic weather blowing your way. Watch, listen or read every Sunday for another mind-blowing, yet pragmatic piece of the magical pie. Start your week with good vibes!

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