470 - “360° HEALTH: Learned Hopefulness and the Positivity Effect.” Special Guest: Dr. Tomasulo

10 months ago

Hope is the secret ingredient in our positivity potion! Mixed with other uplifting interventions, it’s transforming lives, one sunny thought at a time. ☀️

Keep hoping, keep growing, and let's spread the science of positivity together! 🌱🤗 #

🔴 “360° HEALTH: Learned Hopefulness and the Positivity Effect.”
Special Guest: Dr. Tomasulo: Author, the Academic Director/Core faculty at the Spirituality
Mind Body Institute (SMBI), Teachers College, Columbia University, and is on the
teaching staff at the University of Pennsylvania

Live at 12 PM PST | 3 PM EST on e360tv, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@itsyourliferadio.

Points covered 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
* What makes hope such a unique emotion?
* Why is the work you are doing referring to the new science of hope?
* What is psychological capital and why is it so important now?
* How does hope fit with other positive psychology interventions, and how it can change
your life for the better?

Dr. Tomasulo is the Academic Director / core faculty at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute (SMBI), Teachers College, Columbia University, and is on the teaching staff at the University of Pennsylvania. He holds a Ph.D. in psychology, an MFA in writing, and a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Review Editor for Frontiers in Psychology, special section on Positive Psychology, and has been honored by Teachers College, Columbia University, with their 2021 Teaching Award. Most recently, he co-authored with Dr. Ryan Niemiec Character Strengths and Abilities Within Disabilities: Advances in Science and Practice.

Sharecare honors Dr. Tomasulo as a top-ten online influencer on the issue of depression. His new book, The Positivity Effect, was recently the #1 new release on Amazon for anxiety.

Website: www.DanTomasulo.com

Brought to you by the J.C. Cooley Foundation, Equipping the Youth of Today for the Challenges of Tomorrow."
"It's Your Life with Dr.James JC Cooley" streaming Monday thru Friday 12 PM PST | 3 PM EST on e360tv, Facebook, LinkedIn, Rumble, Twitter and YouTube @itsyourliferadio


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▶Foundation Website & Donations: www.cooleyfoundation.org
▶Cooley Books: https://www.jamescooleytheauthor.com/
▶Want to be included in the Show? Email jamescooley145@gmail.com
▶Speaking engagements: Email jamescooley145@gmail.com


Thank you for watching,
Dr. J.C.

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