Alternative Media Under Attack! Someone Trying To Set Up Truthstream Media

10 months ago

Melissa Melton and Aaron Dykes warning about frame up of patriots in 2013. They both were former working for Infowars under Alex Jones.

Criminal imposter sent false email to discredit, demonize, intimidate or set-up alternative media figures.
Following reports that someone was trying to set-up WeAreChange’s Luke Rudkowski and OathKeepers’ Stewart Rhodes and Dan Johnson, founder of People Against the N.D.A.A, as well as an eerie e-mail from a group calling themselves “Political Hackerz Squad” claiming that it was trying to set-up dozens of alternative media figures with child porn (and claiming credit for attacks on Rudkowski/Rhodes), Truthstream Media was alerted of an apparent attack to set-up either Melissa Melton and Aaron Dykes and/or the recipients.

A couple days ago, Truthstream received an e-mail informing us of the unsettling fact that an e-mail attachment had been sent to at least one prominent individual that supposedly had child porn attached.

According to the source who warned us after receiving this, a fraudulent e-mail address “” (which has no connection whatsoever with Truthstream Media), was used to correspond with and carry out this apparent attack.

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