Unraveling the Mystery: The Stone Spheres of Costa Rica

9 months ago

Unraveling the Mystery: The Stone Spheres of Costa Rica. On the small island of Isla del Caño and the Diquís Delta in Costa Rica are over 300 stone Petrospheres often referred to as the Diquís Spheres, that have been attributed to the now extinct Diquís culture.
The Diquís culture emerged in the Valley of the Rio Grande de Térraba, where they established complex social, economic, and political systems to govern their society.

Settlement of the region began during the Synancra period around 1,500 – 300 BC in the form of sedentary, small, and dispersed farming communities, which may have revolved around an egalitarian system with some levels of tribal organisation.

By the Aguas Buenas period between 300 BC – AD 800, the settlements developed a chiefdom structure that ruled over territorial divisions, and exchanged goods with neighbouring territories through a system of trading networks. During this period, the earliest examples of sculptured stone appeared that includes stone cylinders, “barrels,” spheres and depiction of characters.

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