What Makes a Great Entrepreneur (Part 1)

9 months ago

On a recent vacation, the question was asked, “what makes a great entrepreneur?” A spirited discussion ensued, and Dr. Jay was left pondering his own thoughts, answers, and experiences in entrepreneurship on the plane ride home and for many days thereafter.

In this week’s solo show Dr. Jay begins to unpack what he came up with as the answer to that question. Kicking things off with the story of how his own entrepreneurial journey got started, he then explains why entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone, looks at some data on the recent popularity boom in entrepreneurship, and then lists his top ten reasons he came up with for why someone would want to be an entrepreneur in the first place.

There was so much ground to cover that this became a two parter episode. So be sure to follow or subscribe and check back next week for part 2!

Have feedback for the show? Interested in working with Dr. Jay? Reach out at drjay@tripleplife.com

00:00 Introduction
01:10 Success Snack
03:05 Topic Inspiration & Agenda
06:46 How Dr. Jay’s Entrepreneurial Journey Started
11:41 Entrepreneurship is Not For Everyone
16:50 Drivers of the Entrepreneurial Boom
24:09 10 Reasons to Be An Entrepreneur
33:31 Recap & Wrap Up

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