Operation Mockingbird

10 months ago

Operation Mockingbird was a CIA operation meant to directly control the narrative of the U.S. media. After Watergate, multiple Congressional committees investigated and found out about Operation Mockingbird. In this episode, we discuss the implications that this operation has on the current state of U.S. Media.

40 years ago, Church Committee investigated Americans spying on Americans - https://www.brookings.edu/articles/40-years-ago-church-committee-investigated-americans-spying-on-americans/

Operation Mockingbird - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird

Operation Mockingbird: Church Committee Senate hearing - https://youtu.be/xF90EfuOOIw?si=JAfjlC_PobFKyVzC

The CIA used to infiltrate the media. Now the CIA is the media. - https://mronline.org/2021/04/28/the-cia-used-to-infiltrate-the-media-now-the-cia-is-the-media/

Russia Secretly Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill U.S. Troops, Intelligence Says - https://archive.is/93nVy

CIA has given the human race many reasons to desire its abolition - https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202210/1276861.shtml

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