The Emperor's Star Energy Vlog

5 months ago

The Emperor's Star Energy Vlog title is from the date April 28. 2024 Thus we have 40 which adds to $ 4 The Emperor Card a divine male a master builder an authority figure a father figure. the star card is from the frequency average of 7. 82 hertz #17 the star card giving us hope and a clarity of vision.

The schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site showed us five amplitudes today. The first amplitude power of 61 at 8:45 AM UTC thus The Star shine down on the Chariot rolling ove the battlefield. We hadanothjer power of 61 at 9:50 thus Temperance is what the emperor thinks of as he takes his chariot over the battlefield.. The third amplitude power of 57 at 11:00 thus we have Justice for the Hanged Man's sacrifice. The next amplitude power of 64 at 12:15 PM UTC thus we have the Sagittarius Moon shine upon the wheel of Fortune as it delivers big Karmic Change. The amplitude power of 69 at 1:50 PM UTC thus the lovers are bedeviled by the Devils wicked plan. The last amplitude power of 67 at 4:00 Pm UTC thus we have the Emperor bringing death as he extends the war in Ukraine. The quality power of 14 thu temperance card let us be balanced and healing.
The frequency average is 7.82 hertz thus we have the Star casrd being vulnerable while giving us hope and clarity of vision.

Therefore, we can say: The Emperor fights the Devil while being advised to tempered by the Star. I shared a bit of Michael Jaco's IWC video aobut hollywood fakery. I went with a Starseed Oracle oracle this Sunday the card is the I'm Sorry, Defenceless and Righting past wrongs.
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