Wake Up Asia 3 with Raymond Ng

5 months ago

Raymond Ng is an

Entrepreneur, Computer Scientist, Management Consultant, Author, Singapore

Author of Rise of the Small, Catalysing on the Blockchain Evolution.

Expert in Government Funding

Received 2 Productivity Awards during National Service from Lim Boon Heng and Yeo Ning Hong.

Creator of GetEven.AI and Oracle AI Health software.

Support our HSA Lawsuit: https://bit.ly/jrhsa

Sign our Petition: https://bit.ly/stophsa

Wake Up Asia 3 is our annual event to share the updates of what is happening in Asia and around the world. This is the third year since 2022.

We thank the Asian Coalition of Health in organising this event togehter.

To watch the full video for this event, go to:

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