10 months ago

* The American Revolution was part of an anti-monarchist masonic plot
with heavy contribution by the Sons of Liberty secret society.
* The French Revolution was the work of the secretive Jacobin clubs,
likely tied to the Illuminati secret society which had deeply penetrated the
Freemasons founded just a decade earlier.
* The "Springtime of the Peoples" revolutions of 1848 (which we will talk
about in a later chapter) had the fingerprints of the Rothschild Cabal all
over them.
* The Russian Revolutions of 1905 and 1917 were planned, on a larger
scale, by the Globalist Cabal and their vast conspiratorial networks of
subordinate “Red” agents and fanatical dupes.
* The Zionist movement which culminated in the establishment of Israel
in 1948 was plotted out as far back as 1897 at a conference in Basel,
Switzerland. A whole half-century of Jewish bribery, blackmail and
cunning brought about that "unexpected" development.
* The anti-communist "Velvet Revolutions" which ended the Cold War
and eventually toppled the Soviet Union were engineered by western
Globalists and the CIA working in conjunction with secret “dissident”
groups in the respective nations.
* The numerous "Color Revolutions" taking place between 2000 and 2015
were the ultimate fruits of Soros / NGO (Non-Governmental
Organizations) and the CIA-Mossad Axis of subversion.

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