Melissa Huray from The Hope Report Shares Her Story of Recovery from Addiction & Her Faith in Christ

9 months ago

The Incomplete Skeptic, 'Sober Wise Guy' series, rarely has a Guest who has so much faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus healed me from many serious maladies in my life, and it was an honor and a privilege to "Talk Shop" with Melissa Huray about recovery and Jesus in this interview. Her synchronistic adventures with God will surely move the Holy Spirit over the waters of your listening.

For those who might not know, Melissa Hosts "The Hope Report" on Lindell Recovery Network, an addiction-focused non-profit serving recovering addicts. Jason Perry co-hosts the show. Both have had their lives touched by addiction and other serious struggles. They produce at least five Reports per week.

She's also the Author of "Blackout to Blessing: How the Perfect Love of Jesus Saved Me From the Highway to Hell."

She was a 'News Reporter by Day, Blackout Drunk by Night'. Like so many of us in recovery from Alcoholism or other addictions, we need to burn HOPE and not guilt it into the consciousness of every suffering soul that we can get well regardless of anyone or anything. For me, when I gave up, God showed up. There's never been a three-day 'take a number' waiting period.

Melissa reminded me of my shortcomings and the miraculous miracles that arise from listening to the Holy Spirit. Indeed, in God's Economy, nothing is wasted.

Come listen with an incomplete skepticism to this Sober Wise Guy interview with the Hope Reporter, Melissa Huray.

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