The Trans Agenda - 1

10 months ago

This is a topic that really pisses me off, I get so angry at these trans cultists. We have had female tomboys since I've been around and nobody batted an eye-lid. Male crossdressers sadly never got the same acceptance, probably because the media will always divide us, and the sheep follow the media narrative. So for many years male crossdressers get targeted, yet women who wear men's styling are marketed as examples of "girl power". 2020 was the year where it was proven that it doesn't matter what a man wears, he is inherently an obedient cowardly sheep or he's a non-conforming freedom-fighter. Many of those waving trans flags today, at least in the straight community would have been involved in the ridiculing of male crossdressers...until such a time when the media narrative swings their obedient compliance. Many children will never have the life their parents "should" have given them, just like the dumbfuck parents who carried their children to get jabbed with a bioweapon, these trans cultist parents went one step further and had them mutilated. All that was needed was a society that shut the fuck up and allowed men and women wear what they wanted to wear. I know a few trans folk who felt they'd be more accepted given the op, but I think had society accepted their love for wearing different clothes they'd probably not have felt the need to get the op. But those were adults, not children, and these children and many of their parents have yet to understand the satanic undertones behind the current trans agenda.

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