Total Depravity

5 months ago

This is a brief overview of the first of the Five Points of TULIP, which is an acrostic representing the Five Points of Calvinistic Theology, These points are also referred to as The Doctrines of Grace.

Calvinism teaches that Under the Federal Headship of Adam, we are born (Totally depraved) with a sinful nature in a fallen state. (Romans 5:12) There is nothing good in us, we are not born seeking God and without His divine intervention, no salvation would occur. (Romans 3: 10-17) Simply put, left to our own free will, we would bust hell wide open.

Calvinists believe that God does the saving, It attributes all sovereignty to God and objects to humanistic teachings. The elect is called by God the Father to come to Christ, and those He calls are reborn, (regenerated) under the Perfect and Sinless Federal Headship of Jesus. (John 6:44, Romans 8:28-30, Ephesians 1:4-5) He alone paid the full price of OUR sin debt on the cross. (Galatians 3:13-15) We stand justified ONLY when wrapped in His righteousness. (Romans 8:33) Only through Christ and the gifts of Faith and Grace can we find salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-10)

Lay down your humanistic theology and submit to God by giving Him all the glory for your salvation. You did not earn it, you simply can't, if you could save yourself His death would be meaningless.

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