Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus. Session 3. Elturel falls into Hell.

10 months ago

Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus is the official published Wizards of the Coast campaign precursor to the popular video game Baldur’s Gate III.

There are no spoilers in this campaign for the game Baldur’s Gate III so feel free to watch, like, comment and enjoy.

If you haven’t played Baldur’s Gate III take a good long look in the mirror, apologies to yourself and the rectify the situation with all haste and abandon.

Dice In Anger is a bunch of friends who share a joy in making s**t up and rolling dice. Please enjoy!

Instagram: DiceInAnger
Twitter: ​⁠@diceinanger

Dave - DM

Jake - Acerion “Ace Vengeance” Vergaria III - Half elf Bard. Level 1.

Tom - Grismore Harlsson - Minotaur Druid. Level 1.

Lars - Lazrith Shadowfoot. Dwarf Paladin. Level 1.

Lewis - Mephiston Galle - ?Half elf Hexblade Warlock. Level 1.

Mark - Nuzzgrond Nosebiter - Orc Barbarian. Level 1.

Sam - Tinker - Warforged Artificer. Level 1.

#dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dndbeyond #maptool #5e #ttrpg #dnd5e #baldursgate #avernus #descentintoavernus #planescape

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