Episode 64 C, Daniel 7 (intro)

10 months ago

This is the introduction to Daniel 7. Daniel 7 is the beginning of the prophesy part of the book of Daniel. This is going to take a while, It is very complicated and goes along with the book of Revelation. I will be as detailed as possible, I am a very busy person, I work 60 hours a week driving a bus, but I am doing this trying to get help to open an office for Ozark Hunger Relief.
I want to open an office to feed children in Prairie Grove (at first). Kids would come over to visit my kids and half of them were starving, skinny, and would eat as much as they could at my house and always want to take food home with them too.
So, I decided to make a Non Profit to feed hungry children (well I can't discriminate, so anyone) and make the office a resource center to help guide people to jobs, etc. and anything that will improve peoples lives.
well enjoy!

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