The ALL SEEING APP; See What "They" See (link in description) YOUR WELCOME!

5 months ago

MALWARE DISCLOSED! GET ANY APP SCORE RIGHT NOW! (LINK IN DISCRIPTION) The Communist FSB & CCP 'map' each and every persons APPS on your phone. Why? Because they want to collect your data. Why? because they want your personal contacts, messages and phone calls. Why because they can find information on your movements & who you speak with. Why? Because they want to know want they don't know. Why? Because they want to find a way to leverage you IF they need to. Why? Because they don't trust anybody because their corrupt and want to find a way of SCAMMING you. Why? so it takes money away from you to give to them!

You may say, 'why would they need to know about my boring life' but it makes a way to find a way "if they need to" to use your data against you. Maybe you don't realise but you have private information; yes? This allows them to get access to your personal data, contacts, phone calls etc. Have ever had an affair against your marriage contract, and want to keep it secret? Maybe your about to sort out a surprise party for a loved one and they now have all the info required to spoil the party? Why would you agree that this is required in real life? For me it's the beginning of the end of having a private life. My honest opinion is if this was open and on every bus, milk bottle, TV advert you would be able to make a decision to what/which way you would take in the journey of your life BUT its not... Comment below your thoughts, i'd love to know.

Visit to check to see how your APPS are or any other APP are being looked at and by who.

Think about why the designers of Tic-Tok & Telegram want your information and why it is in their interest to know what your thinking and posting without having to go through the internet to find a threat that "THEY" think is a threat; the threat of free-speech.

By now I trust you have listened to the video and have an opinion on this? Comment below below your concerns or non-concerns on this subject.

What's your thought on this topic?
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Love & Peace

[MIRRORED] from with thanks to Steven for sharing.

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