OMG‼️ Robert F Kennedy Jr SHOCKING TRUTH About the CIA!

10 months ago

History of American bio weapons:THE CIA EXPOSED: Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. exposes the CIA for crimes committed on U.S. soil against millions of Americans involving Bioweapons, Experiments, Operation Paperclip, MK Ultra mind control, Anthrax attack on U.S. Capitol and the Milgram experiment. (2023)

RFK Jr. on Bioweapons and Medical Malfeasance
By Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD December 20, 2023

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has authored a new book, The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race. Skyhorse Publishing released it two weeks ago including several pages of high praise for it by Naomi Wolf, Tucker Carlson, Peter McCullough MD, Dr. Joseph Mercola, David Stockman, and Alan Dershowitz, among others. His earlier book on this subject, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, published November 16, 2021.

Bobbie’s new book on bioweapons research stands on its own. It is an alarming and shocking read.

The book has 444 pages of text with 3,517 endnotes! Along with a Glossary and Index, it has a section titled “Cast of Characters” introducing 84 of the most noteworthy people discussed in the book. They include 32 PhDs, 14 MDs, 3 people with both MD and PhD degrees, and 2 U.S. Presidents (Nixon and Eisenhower).

Shi Zhengli is one of the PhDs. Known as “Bat Woman,” she is the primary gain-of-function (GOF) researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China and the recipient of multiple NIH grants. Another PhD is Lili Kuo. She proved you could weaponize animal pathogens by manipulating them to jump species. Two of the MDs in the Cast are, notably, Anthony Fauci, the now retired Head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); and Kurt Blome, Nazi deputy surgeon general and bioweapons developer, before becoming a CIA scientist! Li-Meng Yah is one of the MD, PhDs. He is a Hong Kong University virologist who investigated the new COVID pneumonia circulating in Wuhan and claimed the Chinese government was hiding information.

Bobbie begins this book by noting menacing features of government and a rising technocracy that President Eisenhower warned us against, with Dr. Anthony Fauci and billionaire Bill Gates becoming the faces of the COVID-19 pandemic response. He writes: “I expose them as frontmen for a much larger enterprise: a military/medical-industrial complex driven by elements within the CIA and Pentagon.”

Researchers designed gain-of-function (GOF) experiments that seek “to develop highly virulent easily transmissible coronavirus pathogens purposely souped-up to [jump species and] be capable of causing a global pandemic… Modern GOF science can only be understood in the context of its historical root in the U.S. bioweapons program.” Biological warfare involves the use of three kinds of living organisms–viral, bacterial, and fungal–for military objectives.

RFK Jr asserts: a “bioweapons agenda has become a centerpiece of U.S. foreign policy.” He writes:

“Bioweapons science has been a moral wasteland since its inception, and modern gain-of-function and vaccine research are irrevocably hobbled to the bioweapons-industrial complex.”

“It relies on a coalition that brings together the military, academia, medical journals, mainstream media, and public health regulators in a corrupt and secretive collaboration intended to turn medicine from a healing profession to a killing profession.”

It fosters medical malfeasance.

In Chapter 13 Bobbie writes:

“Since almost every step for advancing new bioweapons can masquerade as vaccine development, the bioweapons cartel has used this loophole to mask a vast global enterprise of bioweapons development under the pretext of making vaccines.”

He points out:

“The Patriot Act gave the military and intelligence agencies a ‘blank check’ for bioweapons and relaunched the bioweapons arms race Nixon had tried to end, igniting the explosion in gain-of-function sciences.”

“Vice President Cheney moved to consolidate federal biodefense research programs—then siloed in numerous departments and agencies—into a single entity within Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) [one of the twenty-seven institutes and centers that makeup the U.S. National Institutes of Health, NIH].”

Cheney, the CIA, and the military made Anthony Fauci America’s bioweapons czar. “The NIAID got transformed overnight into a [powerful] bioweapons agency.” RFK Jr. reports that since 2001 “the U.S. has spent around $100 billion on biodefense,” dispersed by Dr. Fauci.

Chapter 18 is titled, “The Medical/Military-Industrial Complex.” We learn that the Pentagon now has the power to secretly take over vaccine production and to dispense with traditional safeguards established to assure the safety and efficacy of these medicines.

Bobbie makes this point:

“While the public assumed the pharmaceutical companies were doing their own research [on vaccines], Operation Warp Speed was, in fact, a DOD-managed program. Through its officials, the Department of Defense oversaw vaccine development and directed supply, production, and distribution, paving the way for coercive, mass-vaccination programs with unsafe, zero-liability vaccines on terrified and often unwitting American citizens.” 6,7,8,9

This is particularly egregious medical malfeasance.

Meanwhile, the Wuhan lab in China became the “global mecca for GOF research.”

The title of Chapter 26 is “Nothing Useful,” where RFK Jr. writes:

“Dr. Fauci justifies his dangerous gain-of-function preoccupation by arguing that his experiments are necessary to protect Americans from accidental or deliberate pandemics. His critics, however, point out that twenty years of gain-of-function deviltries have yielded nothing useful to humanity while subjecting the world to the inevitable hazard that one of his souped-up microbes might escape and precipitate global calamity. The biosecurity agenda’s champion, Dr. Thomas Inglesby, added a terse but revealing, comment summarizing the overwhelming scientific consensus about the risks and rewards of GOP research to his 2016 warning about Dr. Fauci’s activities: The benefits are overstated and primarily reflect the opinions of proponents of GOP research.”1

The leading gain-of-function virologist in the U.S. is Ralph Baric, PhD at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is the subject of Chapter 32. Professor Baric “mastered cloning of RNA viruses and seamless ligation technology that hides [their] genetic manipulation.” He is known as the “Godfather of Weaponized Viruses.” Bobbie calls him “Dr. Fauci’s most extravagantly funded wunderkind” and notes that the NIH and NIAID, through Dr. Fauci, has awarded Professor Bari, since 1986, “an astonishing $230 million through two hundred grants, many of them for his seminal gain-of-function experiments.” He adds:

“The Chinese military has been, perhaps, the primary beneficiary of this bonanza of federally funded weapons research. Baric’s willingness to act as a conduit for the transfer of highly sensitive bioweapons technology and intellectual property—that he developed with NIH support—to the Chinese has served as jet fuel for his career.”3

In Chapter 33, we learn that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIF) is “the centerpiece of China’s biowarfare/biodefense program” and that “no one can hold high positions or conduct research at the WIF without being closely involved with and supervised by, the [Chinese] military.” The CIA’s fingerprints are all over the U.S.-funded gain-of-function studies at the Wuhan lab, making it “the Big Kahuna in the gain-of-function arena.”5 “The agency [CIA] was not only aware that Wuhan scientists were experimenting with creating coronavirus pandemic superbugs, U.S. officials provided them with the technology and know-how to perform their experiments.”

In this book Bobbie Kennedy proves beyond a reasonable doubt (the highest standard of proof in a criminal case) that a weaponized virus named SARS-CoV-2 escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China where American-trained Chinese virologists created it, using the gain-of-function (GOF) technique taught them by American virologists. This particular coronavirus, obtained from bats and modified by GOF so it can infect humans, escaped from that laboratory into the city of Wuhan with its eleven million people, causing the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic did not occur naturally, going directly from bats to humans, especially since the bats that harbor this particular (unaltered) coronavirus live in caves a thousand miles from Wuhan.

Bill Gates comes under JFK Jr.’s scrutiny again in this book. He writes:

“As I show in The Real Anthony Fauci, Gates and Dr. Fauci, in all of their frantic predictions, were acting in concert with U.S. intelligence agencies, which had participated in over a dozen pandemic simulations between 1999 and 2019—involving tens of thousands of political leaders, health regulators, and first responders in numerous countries. Each simulation emphasized a militarized response, using a coronavirus, anthrax, or flu pandemic as a pretext for imposing totalitarian controls.”

RFK Jr. echoes his family’s view of the CIA, especially that held by his father RFK and his uncle JFK, as follows:

“The pervasive CIA involvement in the global vaccine putsch should give us pause. There is nothing in the CIA’s history, in its charter, in its composition, or in its institutional culture that betrays an interest in promoting either public health or democracy, The CIA’s historical preoccupations have been power and control, as the seventy-two coup attempts between 1947 and 1989 attest. The CIA does coups d’état.”

He points out that “the secretive CIA’s involvement in the public health space should alarm every American,” and adds:

“The CIA’s illegal involvement in thousands of kidnappings, torture, murders, and extraordinary renditions all reflect the CIA leadership’s contempt for American values.44 The CIA’s defenders may assume that the agency demonstrates its patriotism by promoting the security of our citizens or the security of our government, but that, even if true, does not reflect a legacy of love for our Constitution, democratic institutions, or traditions. Instead, the CIA has repeatedly trampled them.”

RFK Jr.’s two books, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (2022) and The Wuhan Cover-up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (2023) go together.

My article “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Tackles the Covid Coup” examines his book The Real Anthony Fauci. It also is on and available here.


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