Hangman Hermit Energy Vlog

8 months ago

Hangman Hermit Energy Vlog title is from the date April 27, 2024 thus 39 which adds to #12 The Hanged man card a halt of action a self sacrifice to gain a change in perspective. The Hermit card is from the Schumann Resonance quality and frequency both give us # 9 The Hermit.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News Site showed us an amplitude power of 8 at 2:15 PM UTC Thus we have strength leading to more strength your power is doubled. The quality power of 9 gives us the Hermit card a retreat to the Mountain of enlightenment to go within his cave to find inner wisdom. The frequency average of 8.01 hertz thus # 9 the Hermit card with his clariecogness Hi e is the mystic.

Therefore we can say about it all: The Hanged Man hangs out to gain the wisdom of the Hermit whilce the Hermit goes within to find that same wisdom. different strokes for different folks.

I shared a bit about Michael Salla's week in review. And I pulled a card from the Sacred Spirit oraqcle deck it was the Channel your Knowledge critical judgement or should we say thinking? I pullled a card for the Starseed Oracle deck it was the Seas of Mintaka bringing unconsciousness to light I channeled a bit of what it was like on fair mintaka before the destruction.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather news site:
Michael Salla Week in review Video :

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