A Trip Around The Pan-American Exposition (1901 Original Black & White Film)

10 months ago

Take a mesmerizing journey back to the Pan-American Exposition of 1901 with this captivating black and white film. Filmed from an excursion vessel, witness the breathtaking views of the exposition's major exhibit buildings and amusement attractions as the boat navigates through winding waterways, tunnels, and under picturesque bridges. Experience the grandeur of the specially constructed Grand Canal, over a mile in length, encircling the central group of large buildings. Admire the scenic Mirror Lakes and charming views at every turn as the electric launches provide a refreshing and elegant ride. Join the excursion as the camera captures the bustling activity, romantic bridges, and statuary that adorn the waterways, offering viewers a unique perspective of this historic event. Don't miss this rare glimpse into the past, showcasing the beauty and diversity of the Pan-American Exposition.

Source :
Thomas A. Edison, I. & Paper Print Collection. (1901) A trip around the Pan-American Exposition. United States: Thomas A. Edison, Inc. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/00694338

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