Man proves you don't need a licence plate or driving licence under Common Law

10 months ago

Man proves you don't need a licence plate or driving licence under Common Law.


This is very much the same in all countries that are ultimately governed under the Vatican's Roman Canon Law, aka Law of Commerce, aka Legislation. The Police and Courts ALL know they are committing fraud, deception, and using threat, coercion and intimidation, and are using it to extort money from people that have not only have NO lawfully binding contract but as this man says the people are not bound by those Acts and Statutes of Legislation because Legislation applies only to Corporations and Legal Fictions. It is the Legal Fiction that these criminals use to commit malfeasance of public office by using legalese such as using the words Mr., Mrs., names in ALL CAPS, Driving (Driving is a legalese word used to describe using the vehicle for commerce, otherwise it is to TRAVEL). ALL Police and Courts today are 100% aware of what they are doing as case law has already proven the truth, but the job of these private corporations masquerading as Police, Courts etc., is to make money for the Federal State Government or in the UK ...Government UK Limited....what makes it worse is that these corporations have since been dissolved so all these Police, Judges etc are all privateering for a dissolved corporation.

IGNORANCE is no defence in a court of law, especially by those in law enforcement such as Police and Courts.

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