Episode 14 - Democrats - When We Get The Power, Everybody Else F--king Duck!

5 months ago

In this episode I discuss the article that came out in 2019, while Trump was still in office, where Jeffrey Wright from the HBO Series Westworld comes out and says the quiet part out loud, "When we get the power, everybody else fucking duck! There are no principles - not ethical, moral, legal, religious, spiritual - NONE. There's only power."

Fast forward a few years and we can all see that he wasn't kidding. Look what has been unleashed on humanity just since 2020. Covid, forced v@ccinations, stolen elections, political persecutions, destruction of infrastructure, 2 wars, scorched earth of cities using direct energy weapons, massive weather manipulation wreaking havoc on affected populations, out of control inflation, and more...and they're not done yet. These lunatics have much more in store for humanity as they steam roll us through the Great Reset and their establishment of a One World Government.

His statement reminded me of the 2 pages of the book 1984 that I've discussed in a previous episode, pages 336-337. If you haven't watched that video I highly recommend it. It is the admission of their ultimate quest for power and their ruthless application of it onto anyone that gets in their way or tries to stop them.

We are dealing with the most evil energy on earth, so their methods and tactics have no limits to human suffering, as long as they are in control. They are unleashing unbelievable carnage around the world, and us US taxpayers are funding most of it.

I'm also a little more unleashed than usual, and level some pretty heavy criticism toward republicans. Add a few f-bombs and you get the point, I'm pretty fed up with all the normalcy bias and the fake politicians gaslighting both sides of the aisle daily. And even more fed up with the people on the right that keep falling for it.

We all know the Left is gone, beholden and brainwashed to pure evil. There's little chance of saving them. But it's the Republicans that still believe in this festering, rotting, deceptive system of constant lies and manipulation that need to wake up. We have many things in common, so need to recognize the lies, wake up to their constant gaslighting and charades, and join together to soundly reject it all. The Republican party needs to go or be completely gutted and reformed. The blue bloods have control, the Freemasons have control, the Globalists have control, and we need to somehow expel them from any levers of power and influence.

Only then will we have a prayer for any kind of political solution to any of this madness.

So, take a listen and let me know your thoughts. And always remember, It's Real...It's Happening...& It's Crazy...!

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