Karma & Dogma: The Quantum Alignment of Reality

9 months ago

Video created using Invideo from my repurposed blog at https://wordpress.com/posts/entangledconsciousness.wordpress.com

Does your #Dogma drive your #Karma or does your Karma walk your Dogma?

Is this how The Golden Rule of #KarmicRetribution operates?

Should you only do unto others, as you would have them do unto you?

Let’s suppose for a moment, that #CauseAndEffect, creates ripples in #quantum reality.

Once your thoughts, words, and deeds become manifest in #Consciousness, the #QuantumAlignment of #Reality, begins to take form…as its #VibrationalMatrix is now manifest in reality.

As you would do to another, so shall it now be done unto you!

Whatever you have ever chosen to do, an action, a word, or any #Intention, you shall now agree, and expect to experience the same effects that are experienced by anyone, because of the choices you have made, and continue to make throughout your sphere of influence.

How far does your #SphereOfInfluence extend?

As far as the energy flows?


Fair’s fair, isn’t it?

Think about it for a few moments.

Feeling better, now?!?

Synchronicity Happens For A Reason – No Accidents And No Coincidences.

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