Rabindranath Tagore - False Religion, Indian Poem read by Milad Sidky

10 months ago

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) was one of India’s greatest poets and freedom fighters. Tagore received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.
Through Tagore's works , the mysticism and sentimental beauty of Indian culture was revealed to the West for the first time.
Tagore promoted the spiritual values and the creation of a new world culture founded in multi-culturalism, diversity and tolerance.
False Religion

Those who in the name of faith embrace illusion,
kill and are killed
Even the atheist gets God’s blessings-
Does not boast of his religion;

With reverence he lights the lamp of reason
And pays his homage not to scriptures,
But to the good in man.

The bigot insults his own religion
When he slays a man of another faith
Conduct he judges not in the light of reason;
In the temple he raises the blood-stained banner
And worships the devil in the name of God.

All that is shameful and barbarous through the ages,
Has found a shelter in their temples-
Those they turn into prison;
O, I hear the trumpet call of destruction!
Time comes with her great broom
Sweeping all refuse away.

That which should make man free,
They turn into fetters;
That which should unite,
They turn into sword;
That which should bring love from the fountain of the Eternal,
They turn into prison
And with its waves they flood the world

They try to cross the river
In a bark riddled with holes,
And yet, in their anguish, whom do they blame?

O Lord, breaking false religion,
Save the blind!
Break! O break
The altar that is drowned in blood.

Let your thunder strike
into the prison of false religion,
And bring to this unhappy land
The light of knowledge
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