Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave

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"...Sovereignty can only be asserted upon a clear title", Penhallow v. Doanes Administrators (1795).
One cannot simultaneously have a lien upon their estate and act in a sovereign capacity. This applies to both governments as well as individuals.

The system of law under which one lives is determined first and foremost by their financial standing. One must have access to lawful money in order to pay a debt in the first place. The UNITED STATES is both bankrupt and insolvent, the latter meaning totally incapable of repaying debt.

The Federal Reserve Note, while it is referred to as currency, it is not recognized as money. This Note is evidence of debt, an obligation of the UNITED STATES to pay at an undetermined future date.

What is worse, this note is secured by a mortgage on the property rights of all US CITIZENS, meaning there is a lien on the estate of every person who accepts UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP.
It gets better. According to the ancient law of mortgage, applied by both English and American common law, the property held in trust while a mortgage is outstanding is considered dead to the owner. The black robes of the judge should make a little more sense now.

Furthermore, the lender is entitled to beneficial use of the property while the mortgage is outstanding. This is the sole reason the existence of the IRS and the purpose of every revenue collecting statute representing a lien on your property rights (drivers license, registration, income tax, etc..).

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