Minister of Health urges medical professionals to commit crimes (Dec. 2020)

5 months ago

DEC 4, 2020. German Minister of Health Jens Spahn (who was a banker and has no medical qualifications whatsoever) encourages medical professionals such as pharmacists and doctors to promote the COVID jabs. Above all, they should not say anything negative, spread doubts, encourage people to wait and see, or discourage people to get the jab.

However, law MANDATES that medical professionals to give informed consent to patients. So Jens Spahn is in fact urging medical professionals to commit crimes (of negligence). He is encouraging them to not do what the law requires them to do.

Friedemann Schmidt, President of the German Pharmacists Associations, is very clear: “I have no understanding when natural scientists, such as pharmacists, spread concerns about these vaccines. ... I expect my colleagues to promote vaccination.”

Informed consent is a principle in medical ethics [and] medical law ..., that a patient must have sufficient information ... before making decisions about their medical care. ... Healthcare providers have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that a patient's consent is informed.

Informed consent is codified in both national and international law. Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibits ... non-consensual medical or scientific experimentation. This article cannot be derogated from under any circumstances.

First of all, informed consent strictly prohibits any form of pressure. For example, requiring people to get an injection in order to keep their job or travel is strictly forbidden.

Second of all, medical professionals MUST convey ALL relevant information. If they neglect to do this, they are committing a crime of negligence.

“Legally, a physician must understand that many states have codified medical informed consent into statutory law, and lack of adherence to the statute can lead to per se negligence for the physician.”

If someone, such as Minister of Health Jens Spahn, encourages or pressures medical professionals to exaggerate the necessity of a medical treatment, or not mention potential risks or available alternatives, they are encouraging these medical professionals to commit crimes. This is itself a crime.

“In criminal law, incitement is the encouragement of another person to commit a crime.”


Jens Spahn

Friedemann Schmidt

German Pharmacists Associations


Segment from (starts around 22:30):


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