April 27, 2024

10 months ago

If Ever there was a Teaching Video, this was it...first, note how at the end of the Video, Sting is inside a Circle of lit Candleabras, that have him penned in, so he takes one of them and Swings it around the Circle to Break Free of his Imprisonment from [their] Light and Not his own...notice how when Sting extends the Candleabra outwardly, it creates the Shape of the Letter 'Q', symbolizing Q aiding us in Breaking Free from the False Light of the Cabal...Second, in the lyrics to the Song, Sting speaks to going as far as he possibly can with the Knowledge of Higher Learning that [they] provide, only to find that it does not go Far enough, leaving us Wrapped around Their Finger still; thus, with the 'Devil on the Deep Blue Sea' behind him, Letting go of the Church, and in this Case, the Catholic Church, he Vanishes in the Air, so that [they] will never find him, and this clearly refers to Going Within Oneself, a place where No other, except for God, can Go...
'I will turn your Face to Alabaster', refers to the White Marble-like material that was famously used to create Busts during the Roman Era, symbolizing that Religious Teachings will be turned into Museum Busts to depict how once we Knew so little of our Spiritual Selves, when we the Servants of the Church, become [their] Masters by Mastering the Art of Introspection, or going within oneself via Meditation...

Now, What occurs when we Go Inside of ourselves is NOT told to us during the Song; however, it is SHOWN to us instead...and this is what Q told us when referencing that Everything was a Movie for the Masses, that they could not be told anything, and thus, the Truth of our Reality had to be SHOWN to them instead...and this is what Sting does in the Video...the Imagery in the Video ANSWERS the Question raised within the Song, which is that when we RISE above our former Teachers by Uncoiling the Sacred Serpent within us, the Illuminated Kundalini, then we achieve Mastery over Ourselves, and any others that attempt to Block our Spiritual Development!

So, observe the Video of the Song carefully, as it clearly SHOWS us a Curved Passageway from Down Below, that uncoils 3 and 1/2 times upwards to Align itself with God's Inner Light located at the Top of this curved Pathway that Sting laid out to us, as he ran Barefoot, in All White Clothes, with 'Blinded Eyes', to the Top of the Inner Pathway, which could be construed as Heaven itself...

Thus, without ever Mentioning, or Telling us about the Kundalini Rising in the Song, Sting SHOWS Us the Kundalini Rising Within the Video...which mimics the Q Plan of the Movie to a 'T'...

So, enjoy this Brilliant Track and watch for all of the Symbology within the Video that is there to Help Enlighten us to the Truth...and it was with Songs like these on this Synchronicity album that showed to us that Sting had out-grown the Band, the Police, and would be Moving Forward to his Solo career, which was readily apparent to me, even as a Young Man...

Enjoy, Love, CF

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And enjoy ALL of the great information that Colleen, Aaron and Sionade, with the incredible help of Alan and Alyssa, have created for you, so that you can Learn More about our Animal Rescue Sanctuary here in Mexico, and come to know more about ALL of our 80+ Animals...also, make sure you visit our On-Line Store, where Colleen and Co. have created so many wonderful products that you will Love...

Be sure to Subscribe to Charlie's Page on Odysee.com, so that you can Watch our brand new Series entitled, The Deep Dive with Charlie Freak, where we explore Subjects that other platforms simply will NOT allow, with Episode #1, The Truth about Adolf Hitler's Germany...


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So, sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this Live Show, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...

So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...

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A FreakSense World on Telegram: https://t.me/afreaksenseworld

Charlie Freak and Colleen:

Aaron X Jesse:


Enjoy, Love, CF

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